I went into November Wellness Month thinking that this would be a great opportunity for me to share some health and fitness tips that I have learned over the years but it ended up being a time for me to connect my body back to rest and peace.
Although I adore health and fitness and I believe there’s a very important place for it in each of our lives, the lesson of rest is very powerful to end the month.
So as November is wrapping up, I was asked to relax. My body was asking for a break from the busy, hyper speed I usually move at, to just take a breathe and indulge in rest and relaxation. I know that probably sounds really nice but for me, it’s challenging to sit and not do too much. Some things I did to relax were to watch movies and eat yummy food, to do less strenuous exercises and to travel less – all without feeling guilty about any of it. I was asked to rest so that I don’t overextend my body with fitness and travel when my body wanted comfort, rest and peace.
Since we are now going into the busy month of December and the holiday season for many – even if you are not celebrating in December, you will likely be affected in some way by the busy holiday season and the change of pace that is felt everywhere you go. The collective energy of peace, love, and family time, as well as excitement, consumerism and overextension are some themes that I have experienced and seen in others during this time. We also start to think about a brand new year beginning just around the corner.
Sometimes in December around the holidays, the ends can exceed the means, and its easy to give so much of yourself away to others without thinking and then have little left to cherish for yourself – being swept up in the holiday cheer! It is such a beautiful time of the year and it’s also a great opportunity to practice personal boundaries.
Overextending our energy, our welcomes, our finances and sometimes even our patience with family certain members in order to “keep peace,” all comes at the cost of caring for ourselves and holding healthy boundaries in order to maintain personal wellness.
For me in December this usually shows up as overextending to attend many family events, usually several per day. Cramming as much into 7 days of family time as possible. Doing as many holiday activities as possible. Shopping at malls more than one time, where the energies of people frantically shopping can be exhausting. Being a little too relaxed with my diet and not maintaining a meal plan that nurtures my body.
This is a beautiful time to put some intention into slowing down and creating space that is just for yourself. To be calm. And to sit silently. And to fill up your own cup. These are some of the most understated, but most valuable things you can do!